Full Sail University

This Grad Creates Video Productions with a Purpose

洛林·萨默斯-纽比正在通过她的公司建设一些项目, Transformation Media LLC.

Lorraine smiles at the camera. 她有着深棕色的头发和淡褐色的眼睛,穿着一件蓝色的运动夹克,戴着银耳环.

洛林·萨默斯-纽比一生中大部分时间都在写作, 但在过去的几年里,她把自己的热情带到了新的高度. Through her company, Transformation Media LLC, 洛林有意识地编写和制作旨在产生积极影响的项目. 她曾与乡村图书馆和精神健康组织合作, 她还写了一本关于积极思考的书——这些项目只是洛林和转型媒体的开始.

我喜欢写作,但更重要的是,我喜欢开始制作,和有才华的人一起工作. You have your theme, you have your subject, you have your story, and to watch that manifest is what I really enjoy."

洛林对写作的兴趣在很小的时候就被激发了——她收到了一本日记作为生日礼物,并开始写关于人们的日记, places, and emotions she encountered. 成年后,她继续写日记,写诗和歌曲. Lorraine also worked as a professional singer and traveled with the Department of Defense to perform in USO shows overseas; she even had a publishing deal with LS Records. She wound up living in California with her husband, raised her family there for 25 years, 并最终搬到了内布拉斯加州,住在她儿子附近,那时他正在为玉米外壳队打大学橄榄球.

洛林通过在网上完成本科课程来保持她的写作梦想 creative writing and earning a master’s degree in New Media Journalism from Full Sail. 她所受的教育为她创办自己的制作公司奠定了基础, Transformation Media LLC.

Transformation Media为内布拉斯加州及其周边地区的组织制作视频. 洛林已经导演和制作了关于 bringing fiber internet to rural libraries for the Nebraska Library Commission. 她目前正在为一家名为综合行为健康服务(IBHS)的私人心理健康机构做一个视频项目。.

“The name of [the video] is Hidden Battles: De-Stigmatizing Mental Illness. [We’re working] with IBHS, which serves severe cases. (他们)提供治疗、研讨会、课程,白天还为(病人)提供食物. 这里面有很多成功的故事,这就是我们正在记录的. 我们将深入到一些病人的家中, talking with their families, understanding their diagnoses. 我们正试图揭示这一点,并表明这些人确实关心, they are humans, they are compassionate, they want to be accepted. 是的,他们正在处理创伤,他们正在努力克服. 所以,我们试图通过这个视频来消除精神疾病的污名化,”洛林解释说.

致力于产生积极影响的项目对Transformation Media至关重要. 洛林对她制作的每一个视频都深思熟虑, 她会优先选择能帮助他人的作品.

“That's the foundation of Transformation Media. We're not going to take on every project; it has to be conscious projects,” Lorraine says. 这意味着它可以以积极的方式影响个人的生活, it can transform perspectives, and it can enlighten society. 它可能是人们不想谈论的话题,而我们揭示了它. Those are the type of projects we take on. And I'm not counting out [other projects] totally. 当机会来到我面前时,我必须评估它,看看它会影响到谁? Is it going to make a difference? Or am I doing this just for the money?”

洛林不仅在选择项目方面发挥积极作用, she’s also hands-on during the production process. She tackles research, interviews, and script writing, then puts a crew together, makes call sheets, and organizes contracts. 实时看故事是她工作中最喜欢的部分.

“我喜欢写作,但更重要的是,我喜欢开始制作,和天才们一起工作. You have your theme, you have your subject, you have your story, and to watch that manifest is what I really enjoy,” she shares.

洛林仍然有很多她想要实现的职业目标. 她目前正在凤凰城大学攻读工商管理博士学位, and Transformation Media is promoting her book, The Art of Positive Thinking. 她最大的目标是有一天能与电影制作人艾娃·杜威内(Selma, A Wrinkle in Time). In the meantime, 洛林正在燃起她的梦想之火,继续寻找有意识的项目.

“我建议那些想要制作、导演或写作的人开始这样做. 如果你没有足够的收入做全职工作,那就从现在开始吧. 继续你的工作,在业余时间实现你的梦想, but you have to start working on your dream.”