
教师 Spotlight: Michael Hanly (数码摄影)

的 项目及作品集II 和 生产基础1 instructor draws on a wide range of filmmaking experiences to show his students the power of film.

教师 Spotlight: Michael Hanly (数码摄影) - Hero image

如果你是 数码摄影 学生,你会认识迈克尔·汉利. 的 项目及作品集II生产基础1 instructor teaches students for eight weeks straight as they pitch, 准备, 并预先制作他们的电影创意. His eclectic professional experiences as a day player, 电影编辑器, 和 college professor give him plenty of source material for his 满帆 classes.

Michael fell in love with filmmaking during high school, 当他在一部有线电视直播间中扮演一个小角色时. He leaned against a metal pole while he was waiting on set 和 felt a tap on his shoulder. "It was the director of photography for the production," Michael says. “他说,‘这是一个反射板. If you're going to st和 和 hold it, you might as well help me out.'"

Michael wound up being more interested in what he learned from the director of photography than in acting. He produced a few videos for his local public access station, then took a five-week intensive filmmaking course at New York University 和 earned his bachelor's degree in Cinema from Columbia College, 好莱坞. After graduation, he started doing freelance work as a camera operator. 他遇到了他的导师, 摄影师大卫·埃尔金斯, SOC和著名的电影摄影师Brianne Murphy, ASC在片场.

"She changed my direction a little bit… I worked with her on different stuff, like a grip, a gaffer. 她会把我送到不同的地方,”他说. "I wound up editing demo reels 和 editing short projects. I just wanted to get under people's noses, get experience."

Brianne eventually encouraged Michael to start teaching, so he became the instructor for a film editing course at Columbia College, 好莱坞. 从那里, he bounced around 和 continued working as a day player 和 teaching in Los Angeles 和 Nashville. 他于2001年成为满帆的教员.

Michael has taught six different 数码摄影 courses over the years. He's shown hundreds of students how to put their ideas to paper as screenwriters, 在后期制作中传授编辑技巧, 和 encouraged deeper conversations about movies as a film criticism instructor. As the Course Director for 项目及作品集II 和 生产基础1, Michael spends two months helping students 准备 their film ideas for their final 数码摄影 projects.

[对于项目和作品集II], they've got to put together a pitch of a story they're going to do for their Portfolio III script. 的y have to present a demo reel, write a narrative script, 和 do visual storyboards of that script. In 生产基础1, they do the pre-production 和 shooting of that project,他说.

Michael also takes on projects outside of the classroom that share the power of film. 他是联合创始人兼首席运营官 银幕天堂, a non-profit that's aiming to create a film 和 television museum in Central Florida.

"[We want to] build a tangible presentation of visual storytelling. We're really working on making it so that we can have people come in 和 see the props, 服装,他说.他也是《 Visual Character Development in 电影 和 电视: Your Character is Your Canvas,他就是用它来写作的 美术设计和外景拍摄 指导员伊丽莎白·罗尼.

学生 who want to underst和 all aspects of visual storytelling will do well in Michael's classes. "数码摄影 is teaching you the overall aspects of the entire world of visual storytelling because everything revolves around the idea of getting a great image in that camera, having things work in front of the camera as well as behind the camera, 然后把这个形象呈现给观众,他说.

“这就是(理想的)学生. 那个, 即使他们是为了特定的事情, they still underst和 they need to know the whole picture."